ON/OFF premiered at Festival Boulevard and was performed at Festival Spoffin and Festival Circolo.

“Once again, Van Dycke manages to forge a humorous and forever surprising piece with this trio.”, Wendy Lubberding – De Theaterkrant


Annette Embrechts, De Volkskrant: “On/Off (8+) makes you happy, whether you are a child or an adult ★★★★☆”

“The light tone, the playful interaction and the masculine self-mockery give On/Off a charming silliness that makes you happy, whether you are a child or an adult.” – Wendy Lubberding, De Theaterkrant, “However, typical for Van Dycke is the use of circus idiom, play and dance side by side. The performer appears to be startled by the switching moments between them, as we can see in Van der Heijden, Fernández López and Van Dycke. This fresh pointedness puts the space, objects and bodies in a slightly absurdist light. And that really shakes up the young audience quite a bit – although the premiere’s audience featured mostly adults. The enchantment of a circus act is roughly broken, only to then enchant again as a slapstick scene, which is interrupted by a series of earthy dance steps.”

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